Ticket problem
I lost my ticket or didn't receive it
Tickets will automatically be send to the given email address after a payment is successfully finished. When searching for your tickets, please take in consideration:
Other mailboxes (like work or study-mail)
Spambox of any of the mailboxes
Mailbox of a friendIf tickets still can't be found, please contact us at cs@twelveticketing.eu
Please add your full name, email address and a proof of payment to the email.
I used the wrong email address while placing my order
We can send you a new ticket. Please create a support ticket and add the correct email address and a copy of your payment. We'll make sure the right ticket is being send to the correct address.
The wrong name is on my ticket. Is this a problem?
When your name is spelled wrong on the ticket or the same name is on all the tickets you bought, this usually isn't a problem. For some events the promoter might decide to do an ID check at the entrance. To learn more about this, please contact the organization of the event.
Can’t find the answers to your question online? Fill out our contact form.

Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to print my ticket?
Tickets can be scanned from your phone. To make sure everything runs smoothly, please increase the brightness of your screen.
I have a question about the event.
Twelve Ticketing is a ticketing provider. We can't answer questions regarding the events itself (eg. opening times, program, facilities, etc). For more information on this, please contact the organizer of the event.
I accidentally bought the wrong ticket
When accidentally buying the wrong tickets, we advise you to contact the organisation of the event.
Can’t find the answers to your question online? Fill out our contact form.